Opposite of fear

Isaiah 12:2-6
Amos 9:8-15
Luke 1:57-66

We talked a lot about fear yesterday. Over the past years, I have thought a lot about what the opposite emotion of fear is. I think these three passages show us. The opposite of fear is joy.

Joy that God is strong enough to be our fortress and salvation.
Joy that God is a god of restoration.
Joy that God will love us forever.
Joy that God has created a way that all of this is even possible.

Advent is the preparation for God's great mercy. The birth of His son who came to make all things right. For the beginning of the restoration. For the avenue that we can be with God forever and experience His blessings.

We do not need to be filled with fear. God is on the throne and He is capable. Our joy comes from acknowledging this and trusting that God is capable and lovingly cares for us.

Joy. Not fear.


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