Psalm 80:1-7 Isaiah 42:10-18 Hebrews 10:32-35 If there is one thing that Jesus' birth is, it is God doing something new. It was so new that even though there are as many as 400 prophesies pointing toward Jesus, it still caught everyone of guard. A baby, born to average parents, laid in a manger because the inn was full, was to become the long awaited Messiah, the savior of God's people. Yet, He didn't come with armies. He didn't overthrow the Roman government. Heck, He didn't even suggest overthrowing the government. Instead, He did the opposite. He talked about loving your neighbor... and your enemy, being forgiving, being generous, and returning to God, so that the father who waits for you can run and welcome you home with open arms. Jesus was a man, yet also God. Turn to God, follow Jesus, and you will be saved. A result of that is God will write His law on your heart and mind, and you will be able to do the crazy kind of loving that Jesus calls us to do. T...
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